
An insight into techno-fascism

This is an extract from Maryam Henein‘s report on Google’s censorship and shadowbanning of alternative health information, which provides an excellent insight into techno-fascism.  

Four years ago, Chet Bowers, a now-deceased author, lecturer, and environmental activist, described techno-fascism as “an increased reliance upon computer-mediated learning at all levels of education [to spur] conformity of thinking.”

As Bowers put it, the populace assumes they are being given accurate information and over time are only able to digest short explanations.

In addition to conformity, fascism necessitates “the loss of historical memory and a perceived crisis or endpoint that requires the collective energy and loyalty of the young and old.”

The Internet has certainly “shorten[ed] people’s attention spans to the point where slogans and sound bites conveniently serve as the basis of political decision-making. Masking disinformation as models of factual accuracy and objective reporting,” the prevalence of disinformation and fake news facilitates the ability to condition “millions of Americans to accept ideologically driven propaganda, which further reduces the likelihood of mass resistance to the techno-fascist agenda.”

“While the moral foundations of techno-fascism align with the values of market capitalism and the progress-oriented ideology of science that easily slips into scientism, its level of efficiency and totalitarian potential can easily lead to repressive systems that will not tolerate dissent, especially on the part of those challenging how the colonizing nature of techno-fascism promotes consumerism that is destroying the environment and alternative cultural lifestyles such as the cultural commons,” wrote Bowers.

It’s 2019. Or wait, is it “1984”?

Social media platforms — toxins for the mind and intellect — now feed the masses processed manufactured information while omitting or fudging whatever doesn’t jive with Big Healthcare.

The future is now. The zombies are here.

We’re being reduced to robots obsessively gazing at blue-lit screens, like in a twisted version of the Greek myth of Narcissus where we never recognize who we truly are: a magnificent species worthy of complete health and vitality. But alas, in this rendition, we’re too busy engaging in palatable online vitriol and trollism and ingesting toxic lies.

Instead of debating the subjects at hand with civilized decorum, we’re being polarized and we’re engaging in red herrings and ad hominem attacks. For instance, you begin talking about the negative impacts of 5G and someone on social media calls you a tin hat-wearing loon and discredits you, instead of focusing on all the experts that have spoken up and shared scientific evidence against this technology.

In this balkanization, we become part of sub-tribes, making it easier for corporations and government to manage and manipulate us.

Smoke and mirrors. Cloak and daggers. Crowd control.

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